Forest House Bowen Island Canada, Photography

Client: Hunting for George
Year: 2023

A Modern Minimalist Cabin in the Woods

Set amongst the dense rainforest of Bowen Island, the Forest House is perched upon a bedrock outcrop that makes up much of the island. Designed by Simon Montgomery of SM Studio, the house is for a young family of three seeking a lifestyle change who relocated from Vancouver to Bowen Island, which is just an hours commute away. Forest House aims to provide a true sense of place, connecting them to nature, but also providing a refuge from it in the wetter, winter months.

Photography, Jonno Rodd
Photography: Jonno Rodd

This project and many more are featured in Lucy Glade-Wrights’ new book Retreat: Inspired Homes and Ways of Living.


See more of this project over at Hunting for George.


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